Friday, May 13, 2016

My First

What prompted me to write a story about my first sexual experience was a conversation that I had yesterday. Someone asked me how old I was when I had sex for the first time. I thought it would be a humorous story, but when I thought about the details surrounding my decision, it really isn’t that funny at all. The first time I had sex I was very young. I wasn’t a bad kid. I usually did everything that my mom told me to do, and when she found out about what I did she was SO disappointed. It really wasn't something that I wanted to do and I felt a little pressured to have sex at the time. The person was someone who I knew from middle school and we actually hung out regularly. Every time I think about my first time, I wish I could take it back. I was actually embarrassed about it and didn’t even want to talk about it with my friends. It was nothing that I wanted to discuss and I sure didn’t want anybody else discussing it. I should’ve kept my little vagina to myself.
                So, I was 14 years old. Just a baby really. Man, I had actually just turned 14 on September 7, 1997. By the beginning of November 1997, I had given my vagina away. I need to let you know that I wasn’t the type of young girl that normally comes to mind as having sex at an early age. Usually, you think about young girl who may dress provocatively, doesn’t do well in school, is rebellious to her parents, etc. I was not that girl. Now, my body was that of a grown ass woman, but I had a chubby baby face. My mom picked out and purchased all of my school clothes, and sometimes she did have me dressed like a girl older than my age. I liked to dress trendy and I have always been very “girly”. The way that my body was shaped, it was difficult to find clothes that fit my style for a little girl. So some mistakes were made, but I never looked like I was on sexual display. Up until 10th grade my mother never allowed me to go to afterschool dances, I wasn’t allowed to spend the night at friends’ houses, and I could barely even walk to the store by myself. I f I walked to the store my older sister Rashanda, or my younger sister LaTasha was with me. Actually none of us walked to the store alone. Also, I made very good grades and I wasn’t “boy crazy”. My mom didn’t feel like she had anything to worry about and she was so proud of me. She used to brag about me to her friends often. Every time she talked about me, you could hear the delight in her voice. I remember her saying things like “You know Nicole does hair! Yeah! She does my hair”…“Nicole brought home straight A’s”…”Every time I turn around this girl is taking pictures and changing her hair…she knows how to draw too!” It makes me feel sad right now as I type those memories, because I was so full of hope. I wasn’t afraid to be myself or take on a challenge. I had dreams and I could see nothing that would stop me from seeing my dreams come true. It brought me a deep satisfaction that my mother thought so highly of me.
                The person who I had sex with didn’t have a relationship with his mother like the relationship that I had with my mother. He and his older brother were being raised by their grandfather. His mother lived in another state and he barely saw her. If I ever mentioned his mother or father, he usually changed the subject. He barely came to school. Although he lived with his grandfather, it was like he was raising himself and living by his own rules. How fucked up is that! He was a kid and no one was being responsible for him. He had been trying to get me to have sex with him since 7th grade. Anyone who knows me knows that I was focused on making good grades, looking cute, and not getting my ass beat by my mama! A 12 year old penis was not on my agenda in Junior High School. But, my oh my, what a difference a year makes.
                I’m going to refer to my first at C.R. In 9th grade, my mom had finally allowed me to start talking to boys on the phone. Prior to 9th grade, she had only allowed me talk on the phone to one other boy name Johnny. C.R. was also friends with my best friend Jennifer Parks. The three of us would hang out at Jennifer’s house on the porch, in front of my house on the grass, at school during lunchtime, or after school…usually at Waleeto’s Pizza or El Pollo Loco on Rosecrans Ave. and Prairie Blvd in Hawthorne, Ca. At that time, no boys were allowed to come into my house at all…ever! When I first began talking to C.R. on the phone, we would do 3-way calls with Jennifer. The conversations were always funny and normal teenage subject matter. All we did was talk about people at school and ugly teachers. It didn’t take long for C.R. to start calling me without Jennifer on the phone. He wasn’t an idiot though, he never discussed sex over the phone because he knew damn well my nosey ass mama was listening on the other line. My mama didn’t have any shame. Renita (my mom’s first name) would actually pick up the phone and let you know that she was listening to the conversation. Other times she would sneak on the phone to listen to my conversations. That lady really gave a total of ZERO fucks when it came to handing them out.
                C.R. was a sneaky little fucker. At school he would act like he needed my help with some homework or a school project so I could give him some attention. I was a fucking idiot though, because I knew damn well that his ass barely came to school. He didn’t do homework or turn in school projects. What the fuck did he need help with? Now I know that all he really needed help with was taking his little dick out of his boxers. Every single day he was asking me to have sex with him, and every single day I declined. He would ask me every single chance he got. He always made sure to ask me whenever we were alone. He never asked me in front of people. Maybe he felt ashamed. Maybe he felt embarrassed. Maybe he was asking the same thing from other girls who were our friends. Eventually, I gave in and had sex with him.
                It was the worst major decision that I could have ever made. I am too embarrassed to tell you where it happened. Now, it wasn’t in a bathroom or behind a dumpster or anything like that, but I will say that I disrespected myself and I allowed him to do the same to me. The day that it happened I had left my house for school in the morning as I usually did. Jennifer and I lived in “The Maze”, so normally we walked to school together. On this day she walked to school by herself, because of course, I was up to no good. Also, my mom had been in the hospital, so she wasn’t home to see me off to school. Instead of going to school, C.R. and I met up and we had the weakest little 3 minute sex ever. I had to ask him if it was “in” yet. I couldn’t believe I had done that! Fourteen fucking years old giving my stuff away in under 3 fucking minutes! What the fuck is wrong with me?!?! Those were the thoughts that were running through my mind. After we finished I headed to school. All I could think about is how stupid I felt. I couldn’t understand why I had done that! I kept thinking that everybody who walked passed me or looked at me knew that I had just had sex. I just felt so damn dirty…AND WRONG! Before I got to school, my big sister’s boyfriend saw me, but I didn’t see him. By this time it was after 9:00 am, and he knew I was supposed to be in class and not walking down the street. I soon found out that his ugly ass told on me.
                When I got to school, I made it in time for my JROTC class. As soon as I walked through the door and sat down one of the Sergeants told me that my mom was on the phone. My eyes got big as hell! Y’all know I have little tight eyes like an Asian, but I’m sure my eyeballs were the size of a Bratz Doll’s eyes! It wasn’t Sergeant Sewell that told me. It was the other Sergeant. The short one who wore glasses and he had that huge bump on his head. I had already missed two periods. When he told me that my mama was on the phone I thought it was a joke. Actually, I was hoping that it was a joke! I thought that maybe Jennifer or my other best friend Marcia were playing on the phone. “Hello” I said. I was scared as FUCK when I heard my mama’s voice on the other end.
“Nicole?” she said in a sweet soft voice “I wanted to know if you washed the clothes like I told you to?”
I said “HUH?..yes…I did that yesterday!” I was trying to figure out why this lady called me all the way from the hospital about washing some damn clothes.
My mom said “OK, I just wanted to make sure. You have a good day at school…Wait! Did you make it to your other classes?”
I just about sharted on myself. “Uhhh!...yeah…but I was late because….
She didn’t even allow me to finish lying. Renita just hung up the phone. Y’all, I bullshit you not…there was a turd ready to drop right on out of my ass, and fall right onto the floor, right in that office, right behind the JROTC classroom! I knew right then and there that Renita knew something, but she wasn’t going to tell me what she knew until she was good and ready to beat my ass! Later that day, I found out that my mama called my other two classes as well. I remember who told me, she had called. It was my friend Danielle Young. She was like “Nicole! Yo mama called the class this morning looking for you!” I was embarrassed and scared that Danielle knew what I did that morning too! I just thought that everybody knew! I don’t even remember if I gave Danielle a reply. Months went by and we made it to May of 1998. At this point, all that my mom knew was that I had ditched 2 classes in November of 1997. She didn’t know that I had sex. I am sure she suspected it, but she didn’t say anything. She didn’t even tell me that she knew that I had ditched those classes that day. The way that she found out about me having sex was crazy.
After the one time C.R. and I had sex I didn’t want to do it anymore. He kept asking me and I kept saying turning him down. One day, he asked me if I wanted to go to the movies. I asked my mom and she agreed to let me go. C.R.’s grandfather was supposed to drop us off and pick us up. When C.R. and his grandfather came to my house, my mom went outside, met his grandfather, wrote down the license plate number and took down the grandfather’s driver license # and address. I got in the car, and we left. These assholes drove me right to C.R.'s house. I was so mad. I kept asking what we were doing and when we were going to go to the movies. C.R. kept on giving me excuses and stalling. He was blaming shit on his grandfather. C.R. kept saying that the car was having issues! I wanted to call my mom to come get me, but C.R. convinced me that I would probably get in trouble so I didn’t call my mom. He told me to just wait and his grandfather would get the car running. All C.R. wanted to do was get me to have sex. My mom must have felt some type of way because what she did next just ain’t normal.
I was sitting on C.R.’s couch in his living room, waiting for the car to start. I had to have been watching something funny on T.V. because I remember laughing…loudly! C.R.’s phone rang and a man asked to speak to someone named Kevin. C.R.’s face looked puzzled. He kept saying “No Kevin lives here! Naw! You got the wrong number!” Eventually, he hung up in the man’s face. When he hung up the phone I knew it was my mama asking for somebody named Keith. She knew how to disguise her voice to sound like a man, and she was good at it. And what happened 15 minutes later? My mama called his motherfucking house, talking in her real voice and told his ass to put me on the phone. C.R. was even scared! He handed me the phone like he was handing me my death sentence. His mouth dropped to the floor and his eyes were wide open. I took the phone from his hand, and in the most scared voice I said “Hello?”
“You know you bout ta get fucked up when you come home right?!?”, my mom said.
“Yes…”, I was halfway crying and halfway about to take a shit on C.R.’s couch!
I put the grandfather on the phone. I don’t know what my mama said to the grandfather, but he hurried up and got my lil fat black ass home!
                So we get to my house, and I get out of the car. I really didn’t want to get out of the car. I was afraid for my life! I just wanted to move away and change my name and forget my whole entire life! I knew I was about to get thoroughly handled by my mama! My mama had them HANDS y’all! I had witnessed my mama beat people up…men and women, so I had an idea of what was about to happen to me! I walked up to the screen door, my mama gave me a look of disgust, but she said nothing to me. She proceeded to walk right on past me, and right on up the grandfather’s truck. My mama walked to the passenger side where C.R. was sitting and began to knock him all upside his head. She was cursing him…calling him all kinds of “Lil dirty bastards”, “Rusty Muthafuckas”, “Lyin’ Dickheads”…I mean I don’t think she even cared that the boy had a real name. She cursed and beat both of them! My mother HATED him and his grandfather in that moment. After she was finished cursing and beating on them, she came into the house and proceeded to give me the BIZNIZZZZ! In the midst of her fucking me up, I admitted to having sex the previous year. And she asmitted that she was the one asking for Kevin. She called back in her real voice because she heard my stupid ass laughing at whatever I was watching on T.V.
                After my mother KICKED MY ASS, she put me on punishment, told my big sister all of my lil business, and made me an appointment to see an OBGYN! When I went to the doctor to get examined I was nervous. Some nurse asked me if it was my first child. My mom and I told the nurse at the same time that I wasn’t pregnant. My stomach was flat at that time so I don't know what she was looking at, and I don’t know whose chart she was looking at, but it wasn’t my chart. She got it together quickly because she didn’t asked me anymore questions! When the doctor performed my pelvic exam he asked me if I was sure that I had sex. He told my mom that I still looked like a virgin down there. My mom laughed and said "You got fucked up for a lil ass dick? You got yo ass beat for nuthin'!" I put my head down and looked at the floor.
Punishment wasn’t really much of a punishment, because I didn’t go nowhere anyway! I ended up being on punishment for almost a year. All I did during that time was write, draw, keep my grades up, and create hairstyles. My big sister was happy that I got in trouble, but she was sad that I had sex. When my mom told her what I did she wrote me a list that had the pros and cons of having sex! There were zero pros on the list. I cried so hard when she showed me the paper. She cried with me and tried explaining that she was disappointed in me as well. She said that she was convinced that I was the only virgin left at my age. I guess I was so sad and crying because not only did my mom kick my ass, but I really didn’t want to have sex anyway. I already knew all the reasons as to why I should not have sex. I guess I expected my mom to have some understanding since she was a teen mom. She gave birth to my big sister when she was 15 years old. I understood why my mom was so mad though. She was afraid for me. She didn’t want me to be a teen mom. She didn’t want me to have to struggle or be a statistic. My mom didn’t want me to turn out like she did. I believe that was her worst fear for her girls. I didn’t have sex again until I was 18 years old.

Friday, April 22, 2016

With His Married Black Ass

Sometimes I really just sit back and think about all of the bullshit that I have gone through when it comes to relationships with men. I mean, I have really been through some stuff. I am just happy that a lot of things are just hilarious to me now. I haven't written on my Blog in years. Last week, I was telling my friend Sheena about this situation. Did I ever tell y’all about my ex who I found out was married? Nope? Ok well here is the story…
(Imagine him speaking in a thick ass Belizean Accent)
So when I was 20 years old I met this man who was 13 years older than me. I was with my friend Jaquese at Home Depot on Slauson and Western in L.A. I saw this tall, dark chocolate, thick ass man who kept walking by me like he was looking for something on the isle that I was on. He wasn’t looking for anything. He was trying to see if I was with a man. I was looking at him too though. He was so damn fine and chocolatey creamy looking. Every time he caught me looking at him I would quickly turn my head away and look up, down, to the side, at my nails…something. So, I guess he figured out that I was with my homegirl because he walked over to me. In the most seductive Belizean accent he said “Baybee Gurrl. What is your name?” Chyle, I swear I just stood there and looked at his mouth…GOOD LAWD his mouth! So, I said, “Nicole”. He asked, “Who ya in here with? That girl right dere?” I nodded my head. “How old are you?” I let him know that I was 20 years old and my 21 st birthday was in September. “Well look, let’s eschiange numbers” So we exchanged numbers. Then this fool said, “But I’m not going to call you until ya burtday. I don’t talk to people who can’t drink legally!” and this man walked about of my life until the morning of September 7th. I didn’t even know his name.

So months went by and I didn’t hear from this guy. I had his number, but I was not going to be the first to call aman. Time passed and eventually, he didn’t even cross my mind, but on the morning of my birthday I got a phone call. The person said “Happy burtday Baybee Gurl!”. I immediately knew who it was because of his accent. We had a nice long conversation that morning, but I kept on having to ask him to repeat himself because I couldn’t understand some of the things he was saying. We talked about all kinds of things. What he told me during the phone call is that he is was 27 years old, he had one 10 year old son, he lived with his cousins, and he was single. Now I also found out his name, but I’ll just refer to him as “R.R.”. That night, we went to Cozymel’s Mexican Restaurant in El Segundo near Pacific Theaters ( I don’t know if the restaurant or the theater is still there). From that day on I was with that man almost every day for about 1 year. He told me that I was his “Baybee Gurl”.

                Now, the 21 year old me thought that we had a pretty good relationship. This man took care of me. He paid for everything including my bills and gave me money to go shopping. Y’all know how I love to go shopping. I didn’t worry about anything. I was also working 2 jobs and going to college. Outside of the time that I spent with him, my friends, and going to college I didn’t have time to worry too much about anything outside of my immediate world. He is actually the first man (on a very short list) to ever give me an orgasm by penetration. I mean I was crying, snotty nosed, body shaking, legs weak and tingly, dazed and confused…alldat! My world was wonderful at that time, but during the summer when school was out, I had time to analyze some things. I begin to pay attention to some things that were off. For example, he NEVER spent the night at my house. This Negro would not stay passed midnight. If he wasn’t at my house during the evening he was not able to be reached. I mean his phone would ring straight to voicemail. Now, how the hell was I supposed to contact my man if I needed something? I never met his friends either. I only met his triflin’ ass cousins because they knew what his real story was. They had his back and were not going to expose him.

One day he came over to my house and we were having a regular conversation about his birthday. I don’t remember why, but I said “How old are you again?”. This fool looked at me all puzzled with a dumbass look on his face and said “How old did I tell you I was again?”. I looked at him with fire in my eyes. With just that one question I realized that he was just a low down, dirty, black ass liar, with a split tongue. I said “HOW. OLD. ARE.YOU. R.R.?”. He stood up, turned towards me and said in a very matter of fact tone “I’m tirty tree yars old Baybee!”. Well I fucking lost it! Before I knew it I had jumped up out of the bed and I was in his face calling him a liar. I know he must’ve had all kinds of spit particles in his beard. He is 6’1” and I am 5’2”, but I swear I was so close to him that my nose was touching his nose. I must’ve scared the shit outta him because he left my apartment like somebody had screamed “fire”. He was outta there and didn’t hear from him for a few days.

Time went by and I finally got a call from him. I wasn’t about to call him. I was so mad at him for lying about his age, especially since he was SO concerned about my age. Remember he didn’t reach out to me until my actual 21st birthday. So he made it up to me by apologizing, buying me things, and giving me penis and head. Don’t judge me. Don’t forget I was 21 years old at the time, ok! As far as I was concerned things were back good with us. I forgave him for lying about his age. He blamed it on him not wanting me to be dissuaded by that fact that he was so much older than I was. I decided to let the age gap go because I like the things that I was getting from him, including the attention that he gave me. So, weeks went on and we are back to normal life. I was happy about my relationship…proud! So much so that I began to talk about him to other people. Some people who I didn’t even know personally.

At the beginning of our relationship I became a teller at a bank. I was a pretty good teller, but I have excellent customer service skills. My bank customers used to wait for me instead of letting another teller help them. I would talk to my customers about everything from new born babies to incarcerated family members. I used to get gifts sometimes, even though we weren’t supposed to accept them. On one particular day I had a regular come in. By this time I had my 22nd birthday and the relationship between R.R. and I had changed a little as far as the time that he spent with me, but we were still good. The customer that came in was a nurse at a convalescent home. She was a pretty brown-skinned lady, with almond eyes and perfect teeth. Baby was a big girl too though. She patiently waited for me to finish with the customer ahead of me. When it was her turn she walked to my window with a big ol’ smile on her face. We had a conversation like usual. She talked about her job while she signed the back of her check. This time, I paid attention to her accent. I realized that this lady was from Belize. I asked her, she confirmed, handed me her check and cash, and started to fill out her deposit slip. We were talking about spouses and significant others. I was talking to her about how R.R. looked and everything. So what did I do with my happy-go-lucky, proud to have a man, 22 year old ass? I said “Oh, my boyfriend is actually from Belize. He still has a really thick accent. His name is R.R.” No why in the fuck did I do that? That woman looked at me with shock on her face. Like she couldn’t believe what I had just told her. She immediately said nothing else to me, put her head down, and finished filling out her deposit slip. I was shocked my damn self to see her reaction. I was confused and I had a real bad attitude problem at that age, so I leaned my lil chunky face closer to the teller window, knocked on the glass and I said, “Ummm…excuse me! Why did you stop talking to me? Are you sleeping with my boyfriend?” Her look turned to disgust. My co-workers all stopped counting cash and looked at me like I was about to lose my job. The lady at my teller window said “What?!?”. I said “Well, we were having a nice conversation and when I told you his name you looked at me crazy and stopped talking to me! Are you sleeping with him or something?”. That lady shook her head and said “No! I am not sleeping with your man, but he is married and I am friends with his wife!”

Chyle, my whole lil dumbass world stopped. She went on to describe to me what type of cars he drove, where he was working, told me his wife’s name and age, and gave me a general description of where they lived. By the end of our conversation I was in tears. At the time I figured that she had realized that I really had no idea that he was married, and she had divulged too much information to me, because she told me not to tell him where I got the information. At my current age, I feel like she knew who I was and maybe she WAS actually sleeping with him. All of the information she gave me about him was true though. I figured out exactly where they lived. I decided to see if they had an account with the bank that I worked for. Sure enough, they did. I got that address…and I drove to his house one night. That asshole lived right down the street from the Home Depot where I met him. I didn’t knock on the door because I HEARD that Belizeans are crazy! I do have a few crazy ass Belizean friends too. So, I decided to sit my lil scary ass outside and watch his house. After a little while I saw them…him and his family. Him. His uglass wife. His black ass lil boy. He had a family. I cried. I was hurt. But I didn’t leave him…not right away. I had my reasons.

Tax season was coming up. Yep! Now remember, this man used to take care of me. He had promised me a car. I wanted my damn motherfucking car man! I was torn between accepting the gift and just leaving him alone. I didn’t want to feel like I was taking anything from another woman’s household. I even talked to my college professor about the situation. Her name was Dr. Carol Provo. She told me to leave that man alone and let him keep his car. Dr. Provo told me to buy my own car and I didn’t need his money. The problem wither advice is that I was 22 years old, and she told me to do something that a mature, reasonable smart person would do. I was dumb y’all! Just 22 years old. I thought that more than a year of my life spent with this man full of lies was worth me getting at least a vehicle. So I stayed in the relationship with him. He purchased me a 1992 Mitsubishi Eclipse.

After I got my lil bucket I revealed to him that I knew he had a wife and family. His black ass turned pale purple! He just sat on my bed and said “Ooh tol ya dat? I’m not married! Do you see me with a ring on my finger?” I didn’t tell him who gave me the information. I just made it very clear that I knew for sure that he was married. He still didn’t come clean, but after that we were no longer in a relationship. He no longer called me, came by my house, or came by my job. I didn’t see that man anymore for years.

Recently, I discovered that the woman who exposed him did not tell me everything about R.R.’s lies. probably because her her ol' smilin' faced ass was sleeping with him too, and she wanted my lil young ass out of the picture! But I digress. Last year R.R. and I had been in contact. He told me that he was divorced. He apologized for lying to me and hurting me. By that time, I had been through so much with other relationships that his issues no longer bothered me. I considered the situation between us as part of life’s lessons. I decided to see him. When I saw him he had one of his co-signing lying ass cousins in the car with him. I knew right away that this was about to be some foolishness and fuckery. We went to lunch at this Chinese food restaurant in Gardena. It is located in the shopping center off of Van Ness and Rosecrans. Ummm…yes…his cousin was with us. The whole time his cousin is talking about how R.R. is not married. While we were eating R.R. gets a call from his daughter. Yes! His damn daughter. I thought to myself “When the fuck did he get a daughter?” Turns out R.R. has 4 children. Two girls and two boys. Three of his children are in their 20’s. Two of his children are the same age and 1 month apart. His oldest son plays professional football in another state. He has 3 baby mamas. In addition, this fool is still married.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Facebook Fantasy...

Have you ever craved after a dick that you have never touched? Have you ever fantasized about the thrust of a penis that you have no idea what it feels like? Have you ever yearned for a phantom cock to fill the inside of your vagina? Well, I have. I’d like to tell you a little bit of what is on my mind. There is this man who I am crazy attracted to…and I have never met him in person. I mean, I don’t think I have ever met him in person. This shit is crazy. Let me fill you in on a few details.

Just about everybody has a Facebook page. I was commenting on my friend’s status one day and this funny ass dude was talking crazy to me, but I was talking crazy back to him. So he sent me a “Friend Request” and I accepted. I soon realized that he just talks crazy to everybody like that on Facebook. In the beginning he just seemed like someone who I could be friends with online and talk to in a “Friendly” manner. I really didn’t take him too seriously. At the time I was a member of this Facebook Group. We used to talk about all kind of freaky and crazy shit in that group. I decided to add him to the group. On one particular day it was picture day and he posted a picture of his dick and made it a “Special Delivery” for me. That shit was humongous! It scared me. But it was pretty, and black, and smooth. My view of him began to change almost instantly.

I sent him a text message and asked him if that was really his dick. He said, “Yes! What Nigga keeps a picture of another man’s dick in his phone?” I was relieved, afraid, and curious all at the same time. His dick looks so big that I am afraid to try it. What makes me want to try it is his personality. Talking to him on the phone is totally different from his Facebook posts. On Facebook, this fool has no kind of sense whatsoever. When I speak to him on the phone he has intelligence, he is funny as fuck, his life is an open book, and he tells me shit about himself that a lot of men would probably keep secret.

Now, a few weeks ago we began discussing sex. He told me about some of the things he likes to do and what he likes done to him. It didn’t take long to figure out that we like the same things. Yes, we are both some freaks. This fool is obsessed with fat asses. Well he MUST be if he is attracted to me. I have to be honest. I did send him a few pictures of my ass. It was only fair since he sent me footage of him in action. He was stroking his dick and fucking this big booty girl on the tapes. I was turned the fuck on. We’ve even had phone sex. I haven’t done phone sex since I was in High School. His voice and visuals were so seductive that I had to take out my purple rabbit and get it crackin’! It really felt like were fucking. I’ve been fantasizing about what it would be like to have that dick in real life ever since. I started a new job on the 20th of June. Everyday in training my mind drifts off to thoughts of a possible sexual encounter with him.

I fantasize about him kissing me on my neck and saying freaky shit in my ear. I wonder what it would be like to feel his warm mouth on the warm wet spot between my legs. I wanna rub his back and bald head while he fucks me missionary. I envision my legs over his shoulders while he pumps into my pussy slowly, pulling his dick all the way out until the tip of his head is the only part left inside of me and pushing it back in. I want to shove his face between my legs and have him raise up and kiss me so I can lick my juices off his beard and mustache. I feel like I need to squeeze him and feel his body shake as he busts a fat ass nut from the way that my pussy feels. He’s a freak…I’m sure he won’t mind.

If he reads this, he won’t be surprised. We’ve already shared these thoughts with each other. You may be wondering why I said I don’t think I have ever met him in person. I say that because he lives in the city I grew up in and we know some of the same people. Nope! I ain’t about to tell you his name. I ain’t gonna even tell you what he looks like. But whenever and IF ever we have an ACTUAL encounter, I may decide to share that with you all.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Handsome Face

He’s about 6’4”, between 220-240lbs. Light complexion. I love his facial hair, sometimes he lets it grow out thick and full. And those lips. I can only describe his lips as juicy pillows that were made for me to rest my lips upon. And his eyes…oooh…those eyes are to die for. They aren’t green or blue, hazel or gray. Those eyes are just big, brown, round and deep. I love looking into them. But I think he is already taken. I believe another has already laid claim to the heart that I wanna steal for my own. Let me tell you a little about the situation.
I met him almost 1 year ago at an intersection; however, that was not the first time I had seen him. The first time I laid eyes on him he didn’t even notice me. I walked into Food 4 Less in Long Beach right off of the 91 freeway. I noticed his tall strong frame immediately. I found myself starring at him. I can still remember the hat and clothes he was wearing. It was a multi-blue color checkered hat with an “A” embroidered on it. He had on a baby blue shirt and light blue long denim shorts. He was talking on the cell and paid no attention to my gazing eyes. “Damn!”, I thought to myself, “This Negro can get it…RIGHT NOW!” Almost as soon as I entertained the idea I also dismissed it. I was in a relationship and he just didn’t look like the type who would be interested in a young lady who looked like me. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have an issue pullin’, but I was just feeling a bit insecure at that moment. So, he got in line, paid for his groceries, left the store, and my eyes followed him out the door. That was the end of that…or so I thought.

About 2 weeks after I first saw him, I saw this beautiful giant again in the same grocery store. “Wow! Lucky me!”,  I whispered under my breath. This time I was in a bit of a hurry so I couldn’t keep stealing glimpses of him. I had to get my shit and get on. So I continued to grocery shop and when I was done I found myself standing 2 customers behind him in the only line that was open in the store. Now here I go again starring at his sexy ass! This time he wasn’t on the phone, but he was holding a conversation with the lil ugly cashier girl. This time he did notice me looking at him. Shit! I was a lil embarrassed, but I did not stop starring. I absolutely could not help myself. My eyes caught his eyes and I looked down. I felt like a little girl. He smiled and I put my head down, looking ashamed and shy. My heart was beating so fast and loud that I’m sure the people standing behind me could hear it. He paid for his items, looked back at me, smiled, and left the store. I felt like I could finally breathe when he walked out of that automatic door. Two customers later it was my turn for check out. I read the lil ugly cashier’s name badge and called her by her name. I won't tell ya'll her name. Shit, you might wanna go to that store one day. Anyhow, back to the story. “How old is that guy you were talking to?” She looked at me all stank faced, smacked her lips and said, “I don’t know! He like 25 or sumin’ like dat.” I asked, “You don’t know his name?” She replied, “Nah uhn!” (I now know that the lil Heffah was liying) I looked at her, smiled and said, “Oh well I thought you knew him from the way you guys were talking. But he sure is fine as hell. And I’m sure he knows it too!” I paid for my items, thanked and smiled at her raggedy ass and left. I scanned the parking lot to see if I could catch one last glimpse of him, but I didn’t see him so I got in my car, turned my music up, and drove off. “Next Lifetime” by Erykah Badu was playing in my CD player.

Next Lifetime came about 5 minutes later when he saw me at the intersection of Cherry and Artesia. His tall succulent ass was in a little bitty Kia Sephia. (I truly didn’t care what the fuck he was driving) All I saw was something moving to the right of me. I looked over and the Angels started to sing. LOL. I know it sounds corny, but that’s how I felt. I rolled down my window. “Yes?”, I said sweetly with a smile on my face. He asked, “You have a boyfriend?” I nodded my head, “Yes”. He looked disappointed, “Well can I call you?”, I shook my head and said No. “Well take down my number and call me then”, he said. And just like a bad girl I did just that. My botfriend and I were broke up about 2 weeks after I met him anyway. Don’t trip!

We talked and texted and met up for months. Not too often, and not to have sex either, but I always made sure to let him know whenever I came out to L.A.. During the time we’ve spent together I know this about him: He is 5 ½ months younger than me, a barber, he has a daughter who he is actively raising, he has a great relationship with his mother and siblings, doesn’t really like his dad, he does not like skinny women, he has very little friends, he has a great sense of humor, he is very touchy feely (which I love), he is even tempered, encouraging and he is very respectful. He makes me feel innocent and free. This man has A+ qualities that I love and was not even looking for.

I mentioned earlier that I believe he may already be taken. I say that because of how we spend time. For example: 1) We spend time together, but only where ever I am. That means he always comes to me or we meet somewhere. 2) He gives me the respect of turning his phone off or putting it on silent when we are together. He does not talk on the phone in front of me or sometimes he just lets it ring. 3) I’ve never been to his house. He told me that there is no privacy there because his family lives with him. 4) How could a man like that be single in this world full of beautiful women? Not to mention L.A. county? Now although initially we were not having sex, we have only recently started. Oh yes! We have had sex…good sex too! And I do not regret it! As a matter of a fact…I’ll do it again….and again…and again!

Now you may wonder why I would continue to have sex and spend time with a man who may possibly be taken. Well to answer your question, I don’t know for a fact that he is involved with someone. Plus, I am single. I really have to look out for myself. I feel right when I’m in his presence. Nothing about our interactions put me in an uneasy mood. When I asked him if he was in a relationship he told me that he was not. To be quite honest with you, the more I think about him, and the more time I spend with him, the less I wanna know if he is in a relationship. I know that some of you who may read this Blog will judge me, but these are very similar feelings that many young women may feel. I just so happen to be open and honest about my feelings. For right now I’m going to enjoy the interactions that we have (They are not all sexual). I plan on keeping him in my life for a long time. And NO! I’m not telling you his name! I call him Handsome Face anyway.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Let's lick the Poon Poon

It has come to my attention that some men are unable to properly eat the vagina. I blame it on the women. I mean if women would tell these muthafuckas when they are doing something wrong, then maybe they would know how to do some shit right. Fuck it! I'll tell yo ass! Consider the following a short tutorial. I’m not saying that this is the one and only way to eat some pussy, because a true Pussy Sucker is an Artist and needs no guidance. Take this as my personal account and experience. Now, I do have to let you know that every time I’ve received some head, it was a different type of experience...every single time. So if you decide that pussy licking is your calling, then you will find your own way of pleasing your sexual partner, thus making you an Artist as well. Now come on, lets lick the Poon Poon!

 First of all, do NAUGHT, get you ass down there and start licking that pussy like a kitten lapping up milk. Eating pussy starts before you even get her panties off.  What you want to do is kiss her softly and passionately on her lips. Some women say they don’t like kissing, but BULLSHIT! If she doesn’t want to kiss you, then find out where her spot is and kiss that. Suck, twirl your tongue, and make your mouth hot. This is just practice for what you are gonna do to her Pearl Tounge.

 At the same time you are kissing that spot you wanna make sure to rub those titties. Don’t do it all hard either! Titties are sensitive and should not be abused. So, rub and massage those titties and start to kiss and lick on her neck. Right behind the ear is what I prefer. Go ahead and whisper some nasty shit like, “I wanna see what that pussy taste like.” I know I start to cream when a muthafucka talks to me like that, and I’m almost positive other start to cream as well. Now, the next step is strictly for you.

 While you are kissing her neck and talking nasty shit to her move your hand from her titties to her pussy. Don’t be scared muthafucka. You MUST touch it! I say this because you are required by UNWRITTEN SEX LAW to see what it smells like. You wanna smell your fingers discreetly though. You can ignore this step if you want to. I would advise against it. You can’t let her see you doing it. The Bitch’s Pun Pun should already be clean, but hey, there are some triflin’ hoes out there. How do you smell your fingers you ask? Well, while you are fingering her, you'll want to lay her completely flat on her back and put one of those tittes in your mouth with the hand that you put between her legs and smell your finger. Another thing you can do is to spread her legs and start kissing her thighs. This will allow you to quickly sniff your fingers and also get a feel as to what being down there feels like. Now if her pussy is fonky well you have to get the fuck out of there. Look for your fucking phone, make up an excuse, do something. Don’t worry about hurting her feelings, because a fonky pussy is offensive to any damn body and it should certainly be offensive to you.

 A woman’s vagina is supposed to smell like nothing! Especially if you are planning on eating her pussy. Now if that is the case, then go ahead and take those panties off. The pussy should be quite wet by now. Go ahead play with it, finger it, taste your fingers, talk to it. Tell it how pretty is, how sweet it smells. Lick it once. Kiss it twice. Now pretend like it’s a Jolly Rancher (Sour Apple Flavor), and suck it. Don’t be afraid of her juices. Rub your whole face in it. Now apply more pressure to that Pearl Tongue with your tongue. She should be moaning by now. She might even grab your head or ears. I know I would. Now put one of those fingers inside her wet wet pussy, two if you can. Now go in and out, in and out, all the while, making small quick circles with your tongue around her Pearl Tongue. FOCUS ON THE CLIT PLEASE!!!! Sucking, kissing, spitting, and licking the Pearl is what you should be doing. Now if she is a Bitch like me, then your face will be quite messy from her creaming and squirting all over you. Hell, you might wanna make sure to take your shirt off because that will definitely get fucked up by me. I repeat, if she is a Bitch like me. You can’t be afraid to make a mess when you’re determined to eat the pussy right.

 Now continue on with the kissing and licking and all of that shit. You want to pay attention to her breathing. Yeah, yeah her moaning and singing to the Gods is all fine and dandy, but how is her breathing? Pay attention to those stomach muscles. A woman shouldn’t have to tell you when she is about to come while you are eating her pussy. Her moans will turn into a heavy breathing. Her stomach rises and falls slowly. Her heavy breathing will turn into panting. Her stomach will go up and down quickly. Her panting will turn into blowing air through her nose or mouth. Her stomach will resemble a fucking seizure! Keep your tongue moving and keep your pace. I know I can’t stand it when a muthafucka can’t keep his rhythm. That will cause her to lose that nut. If you are doing it right, her pussy will start to have convulsions. Her Pearl Tongue should be hard, the opening of her vagina will contract. Then you should soon taste the fruits of your labor. Lick that shit up! Tell her how good it is. Finger it some more. Kiss it. Kiss and lick it at the same time. Tell the pussy that you love it. Hell, you better love it if you put your mouth on it. When you finally look up at her she should have an exhausted look of pleasure on her face. If she does, well you have done the job right. If she doesn't, then practice some more!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

First Fuck

Oooooh Shit!  I remember the first time we fucked!  The experience was even more than what I could have ever expected. You were so fucking sexy.  Standing at 6’3”, about 250lbs. Your facial hair was lined up perfectly.  A nice dark Chin Strap, mustache, and you smelled so damn good.  Your dark hair was cut low with beautiful deep waves.  You smile was so sly.  I knew right away that I was going to fuck you.  I just had no idea how soon.

            So, I drove up to your apartment complex and you were waiting for me outside. “Damn!”, I said to myself.  I could immediately feel my pussy getting hot. I nervously approached you standing at the bottom of the staircase. You embraced me and I could smell the cologne on the collar of your shirt.  My nipples got hard.  Your mere presence and stature made my “Special Part” pulsate with excitement.  As I walked up your steps, I began to get wet. I wasn’t wearing panties, and the fabric from my nylon leggings was rubbing against my clit. I immediately asked to use your restroom.  While I was in there I had no choice but to touch myself.

            We talked, got to know each other. Ya know, feel each other out a little bit.  We watched some damn movie that I wasn’t paying attention to, because YOU had ALL of my attention.  I had to keep telling myself, “YOU ARE NAUGHT GOING TO FUCK THIS MAN TONIGHT!” Then you kissed me…………..FUCK! I felt the hair on the back of my neck raise.  I felt my clit swell, and my leggings became moist. I had no choice but to kiss you back. It was awesome as you began to play with my nipples. “I wanna fuck you so bad”, is what you softly whispered to me while looking me dead in my eyes.  I knew is was pretty much over at this point.  I thought to myself, “This sexy muthafucka is serious.”  I pushed yo ass away and told you to we should continue watching the movie, but you were determined NOT to watch the damn movie.

            You started kissing me again, feeling between my legs, making me wetter and wetter.  I pushed you away again, and started to make excuses as to why we couldn’t fuck that night. You weren’t having any of THAT! I excused myself to your restroom again.  I decided that I was going to give you this pussy and give it to you good!  So I made sure that my pussy still smelled good, tasted my own juices and proceeded back to your bedroom.  We began kissing again, you started taking off OUR clothes and it was on and crackin’!

            You took off my bra and my titties fell right in your mouth. Your tongue ran circles around my nipples like it was searching for something. I moaned with pleasure “Oooh Shit!” Then you laid me on my back and I got a good look at that caramel colored dick you have. It was so nice…and fat…and long.  I wanted to hurry up and take it all in my mouth, but you had other plans.  You needed to taste that pussy. You got on your knees and hoisted my ass cheeks in your hands. You put that warm mouth right on my throbbing clit.  I could barely catch my breath.  Around and, around, and around your tongue went. Sucking, and licking, and spitting, and making noises down there while you brought life to my pussy.  My body was hot and shaking with enjoyment. I didn’t want you to stop.  Soon it would be your turn, but not yet. You made me turn over. You buried your face so deep in my fat ass that someone would’ve thought it was your last meal. The same thing you did to my pussy is the same thing you did to my ass. I couldn’t take it any more, so I quickly turned over and sat up.  Now it was your turn.

            I grabbed your dick with my mouth. You smelled so good and clean.  I tried to choke myself with it. In and out, in and out, down my throat, spitting, sucking, gagging until I had a soar throat and my jaws were worn out.  I raised my head and said, “My jaws are tired Babe.”  You said, “Ok. You ready for this dick?”  I laid on my back, you slipped your condom on, and entered me.  Your face expressed how happy you were with how wet I was.  “Damn!”, you whispered, “Tight ass, wet ass pussy.”  Your thrust was so deep and strong that it was almost overwhelming.  But I handled it like a big girl.  I took that dick…ALL of it.  However, I knew my pussy was going pay for it later.  In and out deeper, just the tip, stroking and moving, moaning and humming.  I knew right away that this was the best dick of my 25 years.  You turned me over and thrust in so deep that my pussy squirted ALL…OVER…YOUR…BED!  “You squirtin?”, you asked, “Damn I wanna see that shit!”  You fucked me from the back some more and then you flipped me over so you could see it splash all over your dick and bed. With every stroke was a squishy sound.  I thoroughly enjoyed the look on your face when you realized how soaked I could get your bed.

            We performed different positions that night.  You even had me to squirt right in your mouth.  And I sucked and licked it from your face.  That shit turned me on even more.  I knew as soon as I laid eyes on you that I was going to fuck the shit out of you, but I had no idea that I was going to give it to you that very night.  The session was so fucking delicious that I didn’t even care if you called me again, but you sent me a nasty text message as soon as I left your house, inviting me to come right back on Saturday.  I still have it saved.  I have no recollection of how I drove home that night.  All I could think about was your dick, you mouth, your hands, my pussy. You fucked me so good that night that when I did get home I had to soak my soar pussy in hot water.  I must say that you have yet to disappoint me sexually.  Keep me squirting Babe.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I Used to Date This Guy...

In my early 20's I used to date this guy who only came to my house. We never went to his house. He wasn’t my boyfriend or anything serious. We went out on dates, but it was usually fuckin’! His dick wasn’t that big. I mean it did the job, but his head was amazing. At that time in my life it was the best head I had ever had before in my life, so I didn’t give a fuck. The fact that he only came to my house didn’t bother me because I felt more comfortable in my own home anyway.

One day, after we finished fuckin’, I asked him why we never go to his house. His response was; “I live with my grandmother and she’s mean!” When I first met him, he did inform me that he lived with his grandmother and helped to take care of her. His response; however, puzzled me. I had to inform his black ass that the previous Christmas, I saw him and his relatives on the news crying and upset because his grandmother was killed by a hit and run driver on
Adams Boulevard
in Los Angeles, Ca. Now, when I brought his lie to his attention, he gon’ tell me; “Oh! That was my other grandmother!” I had to remind his black ass again that he told me that grandmother had died years ago and he only had one more left!

Now, one might think that I was upset, but NO! I actually enjoyed seeing the look on his face when I threw his lies back at him. I mean we were just fuckin’ anyway! Why make up lies about granny. I no longer have sexual relations with that man, but I didn’t stop riding his face right away either. We still never hooked up at his house, and I never found out the reason why, but its over and done with anyway. I’m damn near 30. All I can do is look back at some of the shit that I’ve done/accepted and shake my head!